One aspect of cyberculture that I find interesting is cyberbullying. This has been a hot topic in recent years. It has been an issue mostly because there have been suicides in conjunction with cyberbullying. It is debatable that cyberbullying is worse than “regular” bullying because it is constant. If the bulliee is removed from the environment (IE. school) they can still be bullied elsewhere (IE. home) because of the internet. It is also easier with the anonymity of the internet. Someone you don’t even know outside of the internet can say awful things about you online.

I am an avid YouTube watcher mainly because of the makeup and beauty tutorials. The women and men that do these kinds of videos are called, “makeup gurus.” They go on YouTube to share tutorials, showing their skills and also bare faces (without makeup). Having no makeup on opens up an ugly can of worms by people who leave comments. I find that most comments are in favor of the guru unless the tutorial is absolutely dreadful (I don’t see that very often though). There is a website called Guru Gossiper where people can talk about different gurus. There is a rave a guru section, but also a trash a guru section which is exactly that! The things people say in that section are absolutely terrible! They say such rude things, you’d think the gurus killed their mothers or something. They spread rumors, obtain personal information, and talk about the women and men in every aspect, from appearance to their children. I really do like social media and the like, but that is one aspect I can’t get behind.